Testimonials & Stories

'Something does happen, something does shift...and I'm so grateful to be where I am'

Anyone visiting Kelly's website will be going through what is the most challenging thing any woman could have to go through.. it's impossibly difficult to understand until you find yourself in this dark and all-consuming place. Kelly is a ray of light, a voice of calm and wisdom and a beacon of hope if this is where you are. Her course can be challenging at times, but you just have to move through the process. You won't always see the effect in the way or the time you might expect .. but something does happen, something does shift.. and I'm so grateful to be where I am right now x

Carolina, England

'I realized my constant state of "fight mode" was impacting my body, and the course helped me shift' 

When I joined the Inner Work Fertility course, I was deeply frustrated and emotionally drained from my fertility journey. Through Kelly’s guidance, I realized my constant state of "fight mode" was impacting my body, and the course helped me shift towards softness, surrender, and trust. Unlike other approaches, this course provided practical tools to actively change my emotional state, leading to profound healing.

The course helped me see that fertility isn’t just about the physical space—emotional and spiritual healing play a crucial role too. This shift reconnected me with my intuition, and within weeks, I discovered I was pregnant. The transformation went beyond fertility—it changed me on a deep, cellular level, and continues to guide me through life. Kelly is a true advocate, staying by my side throughout the journey.

Jessica, South Africa

'My limiting beliefs were so big and so real. And jumping head first into the course brought so much'

Where to even start, Kelly has been through it all with me. IVF cycle, failed embryo transfer, natural pregnancy, miscarriage, another failed IVF cycle, more grief and heartache and then getting back into loving life and living life.
Starting her inner work course  at the beginning of this year was light at the end of the never ending tunnel. After trying multiple things and constantly getting the same result I knew something had to change. I didn’t realise that I was the one potentially blocking myself from my baby. My limiting beliefs were so big and so real. And jumping head first into the course brought so much up that I didn’t even know existed.

Doing Kelly’s course helped me get out of my head and overcome some of the limiting beliefs that had taken over my life and dictated a narrative that just wasn’t true.
Bringing back hope and excitement of one day knowing deep down that our babies will come and letting go and surrendering to the process. Starting to enjoy the journey and bumps along the road instead of hiding away from them and being a shell of a person I can truly say that life has never been better. And even though I don’t know when or how our baby will come, that I just know it will and Kelly will be there to hold my hand and guide me through not only as a friend but as a mentor has been one of the greatest gifts so far. Kelly Thank you for opening my mind and heart in more ways than I can ever explain, you’ve changed my thoughts, my daily narrative and how I see and experience the world around me.
Kirsty, Turkey

'It took me a while to commit because to be honest I was skeptical that the inner work would help me get pregnant.'

I reached out when I was at my lowest low. We had been trying to get pregnant for just over 2 and a half years. We had begun ivf 6 months prior, one failed cycle of fertilization, the second successful but with a failed transfer. After the failed transfer I was a mess. Physically and emotionally. My body started reacting to my thoughts and feelings and I was literally allergic to everything. I couldn’t keep up the hope or the little bit of positivity I had. It started to affect mark and I and I didn’t want to have to experience this anymore. Without wanting to kill myself I just didn’t want to be in my head. I didn’t want to do anything. Mark asked me to look for a psychologist but I couldn’t find anyone I resonated with. I didn’t want to just talk about how sad I was and how shitty my situation was. I had been to the counselor associated with the fertility clinic a few times and left feeling worse that before.

I had followed you for a few months on Instagram, a friend had shared your inner work course. It took me a while to commit because to be honest I was skeptical that the inner work would help me get pregnant.

When I was offered to “squeeze in” a transfer the following month I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I resolved to take the summer off for me. I was determined that this would be my last summer without a baby and I was going to do things for me. I started being brazen and doing things that used to be “me” but now felt out of my comfort zone after years of putting them off and feeling so low.

I got in touch with you, cried my heart out for two whole sessions and felt so held and seen and supported. You have something special with people. I didn’t once feel like I was your job or your work. (I once tried hypnotherapy but she kept telling me how she went through the same infertility and failed ivf and eventually her and her husband broke up and she never had a baby- that was terrifying for me and I kept thinking how I didn’t want that to be my story!). The inner work enabled me to be me, encouraged me to listen to myself, trust myself and find happiness and contentment and drive and motivation. I guess it’s easier said on the other side now that I have my baby growing inside of me. But I truly felt different during this summer, doing things that fill me up and having the mindset to both fuel and drive me was the partner to the physical actions I was taking!

Kayley, Sweden

'She has a special gift, and I continued working with her through my pregnancy.'

I had followed Kelly on Instagram since her dietician days, even through my first pregnancy with no challenges. But after trying for a second baby following a chemical pregnancy, nothing worked despite seeing specialists and trying acupuncture. I finally reached out to Kelly, and from our first session, I knew it was right. After just three sessions, I was pregnant! Kelly even sent a voice note during my two-week wait saying she had a good feeling—which turned out to be on the day of implantation. She has a special gift, and I continued working with her through my pregnancy.

Samantha- South Africa 

'I urge anyone going through their fertility journey to unlock what this course offers.' 

Having the privilege of being able to dig deep and find what could potentially be a block by doing this course has been life changing. Kelly is there every step of the way and as for the meditations- I connected on another level. I urge anyone going through their fertility journey to unlock what this course offers. You can only gain  and take that one step closer to your blessing.

Vast-South Africa

'Why the universe chose you to be who you are and help women and families the way you do'

I just wanted to share a photo of our beautiful light child who you helped bring into this world. We will always be forever grateful that the universe knew we needed you, that our boy knew we needed you. Thank you for being such a big part of our journey. The love we feel is unexplainable. Our family and world is now complete 

I know you had a hard day yesterday but this little boy is the exact reason why the universe chose you to be who you are and help women and families the way you do. Thank you Kelly, I am so grateful for you.

Kay, United Arab Emirates


'From my first call with Kelly, I realized how unaware I was of the emotional blocks holding me back.' 

Our fertility journey felt endless and overwhelming. I tried everything—saw specialists, a dietician, changed my routine, quit alcohol, and even therapy, yet still faced two miscarriages. Falling pregnant the first time was easy, but the second and third took ages. I was healthy, doing all the right things, but nothing worked.

From my first call with Kelly, I realized how unaware I was of the emotional blocks holding me back. I had a huge eye-opener and wondered why no therapist had pointed them out before. Over the course, I learned so much about myself and finally found a safe space to be honest about my journey.

Through deep emotional healing, connecting spiritually with my children, and shifting old fears and trauma, I became more calm, patient, and intuitive. For the first time, I took a real break from trying. Kelly helped me and my husband shift our blocks, and we finally conceived our first healthy baby naturally.

I can't recommend Kelly enough—her guidance changed my life, and I wouldn’t be here with my strong, healthy baby on the way without her.

Mags, South Africa

'One of my emotional blocks was the early baby stages and how it affected me with my first child'

I feel the work we did really freed me from the limitations I was putting on myself. It allowed me to navigate through my uncertainty and expectations which were affecting me negativity and holding me back, to a lighter space where I was more connected to the surrendering of life’s timing and plan. Working though some anxieties and previous traumas helped me look to the future with a more positive mindset. 

One of my emotional blocks was the early baby stages and how it affected me with my first child and how I was expecting this next baby to bring with the exact same challenges and anxieties. I kept feeling like I could just bury the feelings and skip past this incredible tough stage, only to discover that changing my mindset to trust that each child is so different and that I can also trust and pray and believe in a new way of being this time around with more support is the way. 

Thank you Kelly for guiding me

Livia - South Africa

'An absolute light in our fertility journey'

Kelly has been an absolute light in our fertility journey. Working with her has given us the space to open ourselves to our loving light child. Having her in our corner in her gentle, caring way has been incredibly comforting.

Caitlin, South Africa

'Understanding, healing and empowering women'

Healing - you are a healer! But more specifically: Understanding, healing and empowering women through your very special intuitiveness, care and the inherent empathy that you have been gifted with!

Monique-South Africa

'Which is why I consider her as far more than just a coach,'

On my journey of being diagnosed with PCOS, I realized that I needed to build a tribe of women who could help me break down the walls that are blocking my path to fertility. In the past, I have seen psychologists, for various other matters, and therefore believe in the value that these professionals can add to your life, however Kelly is much more than that. She is warm and light, and she radiates a sense of care that I have rarely experienced, which is why I consider her as far more than just a coach, but as a trusted member of the tribe of women guiding me on my journey.

Janine - South Africa

Leave no stone unturned & let's get to your baby!