Why the Fertility Clinic Isn’t Your Only Solution, Even If You Are Already There!


"Done the tracking, supplements, diets, treatments, and still no success? Thousands spent, but you're still not pregnant?"

 You've Tried It All.

Countless cycles, treatments and supplements with no success.

Wondering if you are the exception to the rule.
Oh, and everyone has the answers for you:

"You should get a second opinion."

"Maybe you guys need to just take a vacation?"

"Just go for another round of IVF. It worked for her"

But, fertility can be a little more complicated than that (if you are here)


Most fertility advice focuses solely on the physical body.

But if the placebo effect proves the mind can influence the body, then surely it can play a role in fertility too?

The why are we not talking about it?

Could expanding your understanding provide more pieces to complete your fertility puzzle?

Try this:

How many of the 16 blocks can you say you have covered?

Unlike other programs that  solely focus on physical solutions,

we explore others areas of your fertility space

I want to considering the mental, emotional and spiritual puzzle pieces alongside the physical piece.

Interactive Checklist

Get your own copy and see how you score?

Ready to try a fertility approach that aligns your mind, emotions, and body?

A plug in.

Information that can be plugged into ALL physical treatment.

Information that can only improve the outcomes of all you are doing to get to your baby.

If the mind is on board, surely the body has a better chance of achieving pregnancy?

'My survival brain saw motherhood as a threat because of how I imagined it would be.'


Hi, I'm Kelly, a Fertility Coach.

After 14 years working as a Dietician in Women's Health, I found myself on a 3-year journey with infertility. Being diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility' was incredibly frustrating for my achiever mindset.

I had tried everything—except inner work. I didn’t realize how deeply my fears—losing my career identity, family pressures—were affecting my fertility. Once I started working on them, along with everything else I was doing, everything changed.

I now have my two girls, Selah and Izzy. And my calling is to help deliver these tools to others on this journey.

'I am called to share this knowledge.
It’s crucial for anyone on their fertility journey to explore the mind-body connection alongside physical interventions.
It can ONLY improve the outcomes!' 

These tools could be the missing piece to your fertility puzzle.


Tools to PLUG into your fertility journey.

Aligning your mind and body and getting to your baby!

What Will You Learn?

The chemistry on how your mind and your body are connected, specifically relating to your fertility

This will optimize all physical interventions you are doing.

Identify how your 'survival brain' is behaving in relation to conception, pregnancy, birth or motherhood 

How neuroplasticity is essential in optimizing a couples fertility - especially after a long journey, miscarriage or other fertiilty trauma.

Learn how to rewire the survival brain to align with conception and pregnancy, not fear or loss or failed attempts

Learn how to identify emotions, thoughts, trauma or subconscious programming that may not be aligned with the pregnancy outcome you want -and fix them.

Have access to Fertility-related Meditations

Integrate the course work using these specific fertility meditations

Course Features

  • 5 mind-body-fertility course work Modules
  • 5 fertility-related Meditations
  • Whatsapp message access to Kelly from day 1
  • A 1-on-1 coaching session with Kelly on completion
Book a free chat?
'I realized I had held the role of 'parent' to my whole family, my whole life - I needed to consciously let this go to make space for a baby'

I also realised that I thought of my uterus as a tightly chained, suffocated organ carrying the weight of parenting.

Tarryn, Dubai UAE

'Her course isn’t easy, but if you lean into the process, things start to shift in ways you may not expect.'

Anyone visiting Kelly's website will be going through what is the most challenging thing any woman could have to endure. Kelly is the calm in this storm—a voice of wisdom, hope, and light. Her course isn’t easy, but if you lean into the process, things start to shift in ways you may not expect. Now, as someone who is pregnant, I can say with all my heart that change does happen, and I’m forever grateful to Kelly for being part of my journey."

Caroline UK

'I urge anyone going through their fertility journey to unlock what this course offers.'

Having the privilege of being able to dig deep and find what could potentially be a block by doing this course has been life changing. Kelly is there every step of the way and as for the meditations- I connected on another level. I urge anyone going through their fertility journey to unlock what this course offers. You can only gain  and take that one step closer to your blessing.

Vasti - South Africa

Fertility Success Statistics

(general population/ Mayoclinic 2023)

Natural Conception: 1 in 5 cycles

IUI: 1 in 5 cycles

IVF: I in 4 cycles

Enroll Now

If you are not 100% satisfied with the course, the meditations or the support you receive after 30 days, I will offer you a full refund.

Are you ready?

May this work bring you the missing pieces of your fertility puzzle, guiding you closer to the child deserve.

With all my heart, I wish for everyone reading this to embrace their little light child soon, 



Try this FREE Tool 

Assessing the mind-body connection related to fertility

'The Inner Work Fertility Course was born out of pain and frustration'


"I spent years searching for courses, therapists, and healers to help me release the emotional baggage I knew was tied to my infertility. Throughout my journey, I promised myself that when I finally held my baby, I would create a course to share everything I learned.

My goal is to save women from the pain, time, and expense of trying to find this crucial information on their own."

Kelly Lynch